Friday, June 2, 2023

Metaphysics: What Actually Is Metaphysics?

There are many different definitions of Metaphysics and Mysticism a lot of the definitions of Metaphysics has been either hidden, erased, or watered down and called pseudoscience, and when you hear the word "mysticism" it is geared towards only one phenomenon such as; tarot reading, tea leaf reading, crystal gazing, smudging, etc, when it is none of this phenomena, mysticism has been used to loosely. I will define both Metaphysics and Practical Mysticism correctly and properly.

Metaphysics: Metaphysics is everything that is you and everything that is beyond you. Meta- beyond physics- the physical, metaphysics is the science beyond just this physical world and our physical body. Have you heard the phrase " we are spiritual beings having a human experience"? I'm sure you have, this is a saying I like to encourage my students and peers to hold on to, remember it always when experiencing physical emotions and such. Metaphysics is the pathway to the deeper higher levels of the mind that expand throughout the universe. Metaphysics is you, me, the trees and much more. The science of Metaphysics has been proven through the study of one's mind through meditation and dreams. This is mainly why metaphysics has been broken down into "pseudoscience" (pseudo- basically meaning a fake science). Even when there is literally hard evidence proving metaphysics to be real and true. If something is fake or pseudo-"appearing to be real" when speaking of metaphysics, of course, then that would insinuate that there is nothing more than just the physical, this physical, this physical body, basically anything unseen "physically" or unexplained is not real, but this has now changed since more and more people are meditating and are actually experiencing the metaphysical universe, see this science can only be proven by direct experience, we don't use machines or computers to manipulate the mind or shock you, which is basically frying your brain, erasing memories etc, no, to be able to document these experiences, they use monitors to monitor your brainwaves, dreams, your thoughts, etc it does not impede on your privacy or any other negative things other people use it for, (those that are familiar with metaphysics know what and whom I am talking about.) This is how the teachers before us were able to study and teach metaphysics. 

Metaphysics is in all religions, all of everyday life, politics, everything, it is spiritual, it is divine, it shows you that there is more to you than just going to work and school back home and just to do it again, cases of meditation have been hidden but are now released and these show that there actually is in fact a such thing as metaphysics, meditation, psychics, some of which they even hired psychic spies for themselves, there has been more and more evidence of things beyond the physical coming to surface a lot of which have been written and illustrated on ancient temple walls, ancient scrolls, ancient stone tablets etc. I can't say no more on the topic, but experience is everything, when you experience it for yourself then only you yourself will finally see the truth. 

Practical Mysticism: Meditation is innate to Practical Mysticism. Practical Mysticism is Metaphysics (beyond the physical). Mysticism is the experience of experiencing metaphysics. Christ Yeshua was a Practical Mystic. How? Well because, when Christ said "If thine eye be single, thy body shall be filled with light", he was referring to the third-eye and meditation. To seek truth, is to go within and it will come to the surface. [you may find this verse in the bible @ Matthew 6:22]. Yeshua did many great things like healing sick and healing the blind and of course much more, all of these great things are all mystical, healing with the breath, or the laying on hands, meditating and affirming that you and the Father/Mother are one, is all mysticism. When we burn incense and sage, herbs and resins, give offering it is mysticism, we are made in Its image, therefore we have all the abilities Yeshua had, Yeshua was trying to tell the people this numerous times but they would not believe him, ref. [John 10:24-25] when he did these mystical things, they said he was the devil or demonic, a sorcerer, or that he was dabbling witchcraft, (this is why certain passages might say that these things are evil because they didn't understand it, how he did it, etc.) they wouldn't believe him because one, he was the only one doing it that they saw in that time, two they weren't really listening or hearing him when he told them how and why he could do it and that they to could do it themselves if only they'd believe, but they did not believe so they blasphemed and crucified him. ref. [John 10:24-34].

Now does any of this sound familiar? Who does this sound like today? 1. Black conscious community, and 2. Everyone that is awakening today, trying to raise the Christ Consciousness in everyone, raising awareness and exposing truths to help bring the darkness to the light and be divinely transformed for the betterment of all. The conscious community constantly trying to show people the truth but the majority does not or won't believe or hear it, just like what happened in the times of Christ (stated above). Anything we do that may be hard to understand to some individuals they are quick to demonize it, people will shun anything they don't understand instead of trying to understand and learn themselves. People claim God but the question remains are you sure you are even serving or claiming the right God? Do you truly know God? Many have a hard time with questions like this, so it is clear that the answer may be "no" although some will not like to admit it. If this conversation is so hard to have no one really wants to talk about religion or spirituality, it's uncomfortable for them, this is a clear example of what it looks like to be disconnected from the Divine Mother-Father. If you are truly in tune and right with God, the answers should be clear, the conversation should be easy to have, it should not trigger you so much. You cannot be in tune with the Creator or a devout godly person if you continue to pour out hate and negativity into the world and to yourself, you must heal, start with Self, you must take accountability, forgive yourself, love yourself so you can be able to forgive and love others, everyone's experience is different, to be directly connected to God you must realign yourself allow the God Presence to come to the surface, let it fill you with its light and breath of life, you will know when has awakened inside you. [refer to my blog about my personal experience when I felt the true Presence of God]. 

Notice the words I use, the different names. When asked God "who are you or what is your name" It said "I have many names", "I am that I am" . You may even call It "Yahweh", "Elohim", or "Adonai", God is everything, God is you, God is me, We are God, we are made in Its image and likeness. (Ye are gods) ref.[John 10:34, Ps. 82:6] All of this written above is all Metaphysics. We have become so controlled, manipulated, programmed to "only" the physical and material world that we have forgotten about their entire rest of themselves as spiritual beings, you forgot that you are Spirit as well as Human(Hueman). Just as much as we are physical we must remember that we are also spiritual and many of you need to get back into alignment with your spiritual self, with God, The Creator, The Divine. Metaphysics is not a pseudoscience it is very much real, do not let them continue controlling your Mind. Call God forward and let Its presence guide you, flow through you, heal you, know that God is not separate from you, It lives in you, It is apart of you, It is You. Breathe, meditate and pray. Prayer is speaking to God, Meditating is listening to God. God is both divine feminine and divine masculine. It is not just Patriarchal or just Matriarchal, It is both, that it what we as men and women represent, the image-likeness of the True God, The Creator-The All.

This is Metaphysics.

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Metaphysics: What Actually Is Metaphysics?

There are many different definitions of Metaphysics and Mysticism a lot of the definitions of Metaphysics has been either hidden, erased, or...